Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Platforms, Web Series, and Queer OS

The platform readings and their citing of Kara Keeling's Queer OS reminded me of my presentation on web series platforms by Black queer content creators and their use of VHX (either in addition or as opposed to YouTube) to create online communities to bridge the gap between spectators and content crerators. It makes me wonder if this is used as a means to escape both advertisements and algorithms in addition to creating these communities . . . obviously there's a financial reason as well...


  1. Your comments here remind me Project Catalyst, the short-lived transmedia initiative that Artel Great put together a few years back.

    More information:

    I bring this up because I am wondering about the viability of such platforms and initiatives if financial considerations are not embedded into them. I would hope their is space for and interest in more projects like the ones that you showed us and the one above as they seem to provide important services to users that are not necessarily reached (or focused on) by larger content platforms.

  2. He also documented his experience getting the project made on a web docuseries:

  3. Thanks a lot, I will check this out later with more depth! I quickly skimmed through it earlier and got excited when I saw the Black Arts Movement!
