Thursday, December 5, 2019

Waste Art + Journalism Links

Julia Christensen uses outdated iPhones to create functional projectors through which she beams animations of obsolete constellations— celestial configurations that have been retired from star maps, often because light pollution has made them too difficult to see from Earth.

Disc Unreadable

Christensen brought hard copies from the LACMA archives to the Media Archaeology Lab (MAL) at the University of Colorado in Boulder in order to try to update the files. She was mostly unsuccessful. The project deals with the question of the necessity and value of the upgrade. The upgrade is needed in order to remain "in the game" bit does it stabilize fidelity and quality or does it rather speed up obsolescence?

New York Time interactive project utilizing photogrammetry to show the devastating consequences of a natural disaster on Great Abaco Island. It creates a tactile narrative of the whole living environment becoming waste. The project raises the question about the unequal distribution of adequate shelter which changs the perception on the inevitable violence of a natural disaster

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