Thursday, November 7, 2019

Spy Cams

Spy cam porn has been a major problem in South Korea these past few years. Will delve into it more as part of my presentation, but here are a few links and videos for those who are interested. 

This is a 10 minute documentary by BBC (wasn't able to find it through Blogger) 

Buzzfeed also did a shorter review of it. 

It's also been an issue in "Korea's squeaky clean music industry". 

1 comment:

  1. YES -- this is really important/relevant. Also interesting is the recent spy cam incident at UC Berkeley, for which the perpetrator was presupposed by many to be Korean based on the publicized image. The decision to reveal images of criminals is a very controversial one in Korea, and when Korean Internet users found out about this, they strongly voiced opinions that Korea should take similar measures in publicizing the portraits of perpetrators. This would be for the prevention of future crimes and for faster identification. The Korean government has been under heated attack for a while now, for being unable to provide a solution to the ongoing problem of spy cams -- and this is closely tied to the fraught feminist discourse in Korea. Anyway, is the link to a Korean Internet community's response to the UCB incident for those who are interested... although the latter half is mostly in Korean.
